วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Used to vs. Use to

Common Mistakes in English

A common mistake both for learners of English as well as native speakers is the difference between “Used to” and “Use to” and when (or if) we put the letter D at the end of the verb.
First let’s look at the meaning of it:
Used to = an action or habit that was common in the PAST but not anymore.
This should not be confused with
To be used to = accustomed to something (normally out of habit or experience)
Notice how Used to ends in –ed which normally means the verb is in the past tense.
  • I used to drink coffee every morning but now I drink tea.
  • She used to live in London but now she lives in New York.
  • He used to play football professionally but he had to quit because of an injury.
These sentences refer to a past habit or a continuous action in the past and they are affirmative.

Used to in Negative
If we want to make a negative sentence, the didn’t part shows that we are talking about the past tense.
It is NOT common to use
 Used to in negative form though we will show you how to do it anyway.
Compare the normal past tense:
  • I played rugby on Saturday. (past - affirmative)
  • I didn’t play rugby on Saturday. (past – negative – play doesn’t have the –ed at the end because the auxiliary didn’t tells us that the sentence is in the past tense)
And now let’s see a sentence with Used to:
  • I used to like her, but now I hate her.
  • I didn’t use to like her but now I think she is great.
Many times we use never instead of didn’t. In this case we use “used” in past tense. Compare:
  • I didn’t use to smoke.
  • I never used to smoke.

Used to in Questions
As with normal questions in the past tense, we use the base form of the verb (not the verb in past tense), since the auxiliary DID shows us that the question is in the past tense.
  • +  I used to ride a bike to school every day.
  • -   I didn’t use to ride a bike to school. I would normally go by bus.
  • ?  Did you use to ride a bike to school when you were a child?
Some more examples
  • What did you use to do after school when you were a kid?
  • Where did you use to go on vacation with your parents?

Why do people sometimes write Use to instead of Used to in English?
Well, when we say used to, the final D in the verb used is pronounced like a T and since the next word (TO) also begins with the T sound, it seems like there is only one T (that belonging to the word TO).
When speaking, we frequently run words together (join words) so it would sound like Use-to.
Used to and Would
Sometimes we can replace Used to with Would.

  • My grandfather used to do exercises every day before work.
  • My grandfather would do exercises every day before work.

วันอังคารที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2557

Idiom : Achilles heel.

Idiom : Achilles heel.

อคิลลีส (อังกฤษAchilles, Akhilleus, Achilleusภาษากรีกโบราณ: Ἀχιλλεύς) เป็นวีรบุรุษในตำนานกรีกโบราณว่าด้วยเรื่องสงครามเมืองทรอย เป็นตัวละครหลักและนักรบผู้ยิ่งใหญ่ในมหากาพย์อีเลียดของโฮเมอร์ เป็นแก่นของแนวเรื่องหลักในมหากาพย์นั้น คือ "โทสะของอคิลลีส"
อคิลลีสเป็นบุตรของท้าวพีลูส กษัตริย์ชาวเมอร์มิดอน กับนางอัปสรธีทิส เกิดที่เมืองฟาร์สะลา แคว้นเทสสะลี แต่เดิมนางอัปสรธีทิสเป็นที่หมายปองของเทพซูสและโพไซดอน แต่ภายหลังโปรมีธูสแจ้งคำพยากรณ์ต่อเทพทั้งสองว่า บุตรของธีทิสจะเป็นผู้ยิ่งใหญ่กว่าบิดา เทพทั้งสองจึงยกนางให้แก่พีลูส เมื่ออคิลลีสเกิด ธีทิสได้จุ่มร่างของบุตรลงในแม่น้ำสติกส์เพื่อให้เป็นคงกระพัน ร่างกายของอคิลลีสจึงแข็งแกร่ง ไม่มีอาวุธใดทำอันตรายได้ อย่างไรก็ดีขณะนางจุ่มร่างบุตร ธีทิสใช้มือกุมข้อเท้าบุตรไว้ ดังนั้นทั่วร่างอคิลลีสจึงมีเพียงข้อเท้าที่ไม่ได้อาบน้ำศักดิ์สิทธิ์ เป็นจุดอ่อน ซึ่งในภาษาอังกฤษมีสำนวนว่า "Achilles' heel" หมายถึง จุดอ่อน

วันพุธที่ 1 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2557

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day falls on February 14 every year. Red and pink hearts decorate
classrooms. Children make or buy cards to give to their friends. Adults often buy
cards for the people they love. Friends may give gifts of candy, chocolate,
flowers, or jewelry.
The cards given on Valentine's Day are called "Valentines." Valentines often
have poems written on them. One common poem is ...

Roses are red;
Violets are blue;
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you.
Valentine's Day is not a legal holiday. Children go
to school on Valentine’s Day. Moms and dads go
to work. Mail is delivered. But Valentine's Day is still
a very special day. Valentine's Day is a good time
to tell someone "I'm glad you're my friend," or "I
love you."

The Story of St. Valentine

The Roman Emperor Claudius II was fighting many wars. He wanted a 
strong army, but many men did not want to be soldiers. Claudius thought 
the men wanted to stay home to be with their wives and children instead 
of leaving to fight wars. 

Claudius thought of an awful solution to his problem. He decided to cancel 
all marriages! No one in all of Rome could get married. Claudius thought 
that if the men couldn’t get married, the men would ignore the women 
and want to be soldiers. 

Valentine, who was a priest, believed that people needed to get married. 
He thought that if they were not married, they would be tempted to sin by 
living together without being married. So he secretly and illegally married 
couples anyway! He performed the weddings in secret places, so the 
Roman soldiers would not find out. 

But they did find out. Valentine was arrested and brought before the 
Emperor. The Emperor thought Valentine was a well spoken and wise 
young man, and encouraged him to stop being a Christian and become a 
loyal Roman. Valentine would not deny his beliefs, and he refused. He was 
sent to prison until he could be executed. While he was in prison, he sent 
out letters to his friends and asked to be prayed for by writing Remember 
your Valentine. 
Valentine was killed on the 14th or the 24th of February in the year 269 or 
270. We celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14th in honor of St. 

More sweet song by.

Cody Simpson